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The Wardrobe of Inner Beauty

What others have said about the book, class and retreats:

“Thanks for listening to the prompts of the Holy Spirit and writing this book. The teaching has been refreshing, convicting, practical and forward thinking. Gentleness = strength controlled. Thank-you. God Bless you,” Tamara H.

“Thank-you so much for sharing with us this weekend. What a beautiful reminder of who I am in Christ and practical ways to reflect Him in my life. You have such a sweet spirit and are such a great example of what you are teaching! Thank-you so much!” Mary Ellen M.

“Thank-you for your willingness to encourage, teach and bless the ladies at Calvary Tacoma with your studies. Bless you as you continue to serve and be used by the Lord.” Irene W.

“Oh Bonnie, this was such a timely study. Thank you for speaking the truth to us and for all the time you spent preparing for this study. It blessed me beyond words. Much love,” Julie D.

“Dear Bonnie, Thank-you for another wonderful year of having you bless us with your teaching of God’s Word. I love your humorous approach that is packed with wisdom and knowledge to help us further our walk with the Lord. Much love,” Marie T.

“Thank-you so much for bringing the word to us at evening women’s study! I love your teaching style. You always make me laugh, yet you instruct and challenge me as well. I’m grateful that you are willing to take the time in study and prayer, and then to share it with us. May God continue to guide and bless you. I can’t wait to worship together at the retreat! With love and prayers,” Wendy H.

“Thank you for sharing your gifts of teaching and humor with us this year. You are beautiful inside and out and when you teach – God shines brightly through your words…”  Jennifer W.

“Wow! This has been the most powerful retreat I’ve ever attended. Thank-you for sharing your amazing gifts of writing and speaking with us. I hope you will continue to write Bible studies for women. Your words are powerful and touching. You really made me take a look at some things I have been denying for a long time. I want to be a woman with true inner beauty and you have unlocked the secrets so I now have the tools I need to obtain this beauty. Thank you again for heeding God’s call and letting Him touch us through you.“ Kris H.

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