Artist, Worship Leader, Author and Speaker
Hi Friends! Bonnie here! I'm so glad you found the online me. I'm combining info about our roots gospel and worship music, and my women's Bible study writing on this website because, if you know me, that's what I love doing. May you be encouraged by the messages in the songs, books and posts, and grow closer to the Lord as a result. Check out the new "Wardrobe of Inner Beauty Workbook". It's similar to the book but in a Q and A format. All the qualities of our inner beauty are highlighted in a deeper and more personal way. New products like jewelry, etc.. will soon be available to serve as reminders of God's lovely promises to us. Deut. 6:6-9. May God bless you!
We've been busy creating the Redemption video Series in partnership with Prisoners for Christ which features music from special guest musicians and testimonies of people with powerful transformations by our Lord. Check them out either here digitally, or you can order physical copies. They are being shared with prisons across the US.